Criminal Law

Our firm provides its clients with all types of legal services that may be required, from criminal investigation to trial stage in areas of our expertise, primarily financial crimes. We provide legal assistance on all kinds of matters that may lead to criminal sanction from the investigation and reconciliation of financial crimes to conduct of criminal cases, mainly focusing on commercial criminal law, criminal enforcement law and intellectual property crimes.
- Criminal cases in the High Criminal Court,
- Criminal cases in the Criminal Court of First Instance,
- Criminal cases in the Intellectual and Industrial Rights Criminal Court,
- Criminal cases in the Children’s Court and the Children’s High Criminal Court,
- Criminal cases brought against individuals for individual crimes against each other,
- Criminal cases arising from tax crimes,
- Criminal cases arising from medical interventions of physicians,
- Criminal cases caused by work accidents,
- Criminal cases covered by IT crimes,
- Effective file tracking process during the investigation and prosecution stages,
- Objections to protection measures such as arrest, detention, seizure and search,
- Appeals for arrest and applications for the release of the accused,
- Defendant’s counselling, complaint or deputy of the victim,
- We serve you in areas such as theft, damage to property, insults and threats, fraud, use or supply of drugs, injury, violation of privacy.